
Showing posts from June, 2011

7 Year (Not) Itch

Today I celebrate 7 years of matrimonial bliss! I can't believe that we have been married for seven years, it has passed by so quickly. I would love to say that all seven years have been full of joy, laughter and a walk in the park. Nothing can be further from the truth. The first few years, in my memory, were the most unsteady and heavy learning experiences in my life. The first year of anything is always hard. You're learning new things and learning your way around. You make mistakes, learn and more on. But marriage is not quite that black and white. Our first year was a stretching year. I felt that we were stretched to almost a breaking point. The threads of our rubber band lives was on it's last thread. When I look back at the deep hole we're we started, it was only God who could have brought us where we are today. That's such a testament to God's power. There were many different interferences, both outside and inside our marriage that all piled on top ...

X-Men - A Christian Perspective

The new X-Men came out this past Friday and I began thinking about the different ways that this movie series can be a reflection of Christian life. Yes, Christian life. Just go with me for a few minutes. There are two primary messages that you get from the story lines: 1) Tolerance of one another and the events that take place because of fear and ignorance or 2) Individual gifts that God has given us and what happens when brought together for good or evil. For this particular entry I want to focus on number 2, individual gifts. Each of the mutants has a special ability that distinguishes them from everyone else. Flying, fire starting, super human strength, controlling weather, invisibility, chameleon abilities, telepathy, magnetism, and so many others. On their own they have power and can make a small difference, but when two or more gather together amazing things can happen. They learned to nurture and grow their gifts. They learn to play off and with each other. They learn to unde...

Do This In Remembrance of Me

This past Sunday, like most Sundays, my church has communion. It's a natural occurrence. But for some reason when pastor announced it was time for communion, I peeped out a little "YAY!" I was so excited for communion. Now don't misunderstand me, communion is very important I don't take it for granted. I really cherish the time, but for some reason that day I was overjoyed. I just really needed to have that time with God. I really needed to reflect what my past week had been. Every time I take communion I think of the words Jesus said to His disciples during the first communion, "Do this in remembrance of Me." At that moment I'm transported to Jesus' sacrifice. The pain, agony, loneliness and rejection Jesus experienced. I think of all He did for me and I can't even make it through my day without falling. When I come to this realization I'm struck with so much grief. Here I am living this beautiful life that He has given me and all He...

Happy Birthday, Papi!!!

Today is my Papi's 59th birthday. My dad and I have always been close. The bond of father and daughter is very ingrained, especially since I'm the only girl. I'm daddy's little girl. Even now at 31 and married I still think of my dad as my strong place and protector. My husband fits these roles as well but it's just different. I miss the daily interactions with my dad. I think about all the things we did when I was little. There are so many memories to chose from. He was always active with my brothers and me. Taking us to the park, hiking, biking, walking and other activities. He is full of energy and full of life. My dad has a very charismatic personality. People are generally drawn to him. God has blessed him with a trusting and charming spirit. He is a people person. We can't go anywhere, literally, and not find a person that he doesn't know. There is always someone somewhere who knows him and loves him. My dad has been working in the auto parts indu...