7 Year (Not) Itch
Today I celebrate 7 years of matrimonial bliss! I can't believe that we have been married for seven years, it has passed by so quickly. I would love to say that all seven years have been full of joy, laughter and a walk in the park. Nothing can be further from the truth. The first few years, in my memory, were the most unsteady and heavy learning experiences in my life. The first year of anything is always hard. You're learning new things and learning your way around. You make mistakes, learn and more on. But marriage is not quite that black and white. Our first year was a stretching year. I felt that we were stretched to almost a breaking point. The threads of our rubber band lives was on it's last thread. When I look back at the deep hole we're we started, it was only God who could have brought us where we are today. That's such a testament to God's power. There were many different interferences, both outside and inside our marriage that all piled on top ...